Wow wowow!!!1!1! it looks like you found a silly easter egg!! there is more to come and there is already some easter eggs spread across the site!!! will add more when i get ideas!! :333

since you found this!! i'll tell you some special things!!

I'm a neurodivergent!11

There are some in total 6 or more easter eggs! :33

I can make you a straw page if asked!! but please be specific what theme or what you have in mind so i can do it! just know it takes a few hours or minutes!

And don't worry! you can just ask, no need to really pay since I don't need any money i'm fine as is

if you are a friend of mine or a stranger who found my starw page, welcome!!! im so happy your here! i'll tell you more special things about myself!!

i'm very flexible! can twist my leg around my neck/head, can do the splits, and can also bend my back pretty somewhat far!I

 love getting scratches under my chin!!1 not in a weird way! but it make's me happy, because i love being pet and getting affection!!!1 :33 (platonic)

I'm also tall!1 5'10!! if you ever want a hug or to talk feel free! i don't mind making new friends or helping any!!!! AAAAA

I don't know how to give much affection much! and i only know how to give hugs and that's all! anything else i don't know what or how to respond!! :D

or i might give you a hug in respond!! i don't know how to response to affection!!1